New Highlight: Journey in Research Methodology

Notice of Announcement

After 5 years, this blog is being activate again for the use of the educational purpose and notes of mine. This blog will be my notes and much more focusing on Research Methodology's journey that I've been taken for this year (2020). Oh yes, for sure it is one of the subject related to my Master's course.

So much have change after 5 years. And currently, I am married, working and continue my study for Master.

The inspirations of taking master comes from many reasons:

1. I have no commitment to children as i need to focus on my health condition first (as advice from my doctor)
2. Inspire from my husband who already submitted his research thesis for master in solid state (Physics area).
3. Enhance my knowledge on leadership and management as i am working in leadership field.
4. Adore all my bosses (i have overall 17 bosses from different areas and fields)
5. I believe I can success.

I ever took this course when I was in part 5 of Bachelor of Science Education (Hons.) Biology with Dr Nabilah (who are currently the Dean of the Faculty of Education). Dr Nabilah was a great person I ever knew. She commenting a lot on my research proposal when I was in part 5. I came with 5 proposal, and all proposal have been rejected, but then I never give up because she always keep guiding me until I got the right path. I can see that she always use the Socratic method in her teaching approach. Hehe.

 I could came out with wonderful thesis related to Occupational Safety and Health among Pre-Service teacher. From that thesis, after graduate, I decided to continue study with certificate in OSH attending course at Pahang Skills to go deep into my thesis. Oh, this is just my own alternative. I am type of person who always curios on something. Then, after taking the special course being sponsored by Yayasan Pahang, I did apply to implement the knowledge at the workplace. Thus, I choose Construction area in Manufacturing.

the picture of mine (wearing 'teletubies costume called coverall) with Safety helmet, and Special safety shoes (my size is rarely can be found). My face got burn too. Just forgot how to use make up. At workplace, no mobile phone is allowed.

I work as an independent intern as Safety Supervisor and I need to struggle to learn about engineering field as well. There were including, mechanical engineering, civil engineering and electrical engineering. The safety elements in my construction site were seriously related to the engineering field. Either I want nor I refuse, I always need to learn. At first, it was difficult; the environment full with huge tanks and each tanks have their own functions and names; dealing with a lot of safety elements while the construction process. And what i loved the most was when the process of lifting using crane. My project manager, Mr Lee will asked me to make the inspection on crane. That time, i need to know a lot of crane compartment, safety measured including the webbing sling, crane elements, hand signal to be communicate with the lifting supervisor. But I keep learning from the experience person in there, the Safety and Health Officer (SHO) and the Safety Executives.

After I finished my interns, I did got a lot of offers to work in Safety and Health area. But then I choose to work with my current company. For me, it still related with what I have learn and some additional with administration and managing events as well. Working in Safety and Health area need a lot of commitment. Need to take special exams, need to be certified, need to collect CEP and a lot of things to be explore. But that are not the reasons why I don't continue to take those things because that time I still believe I want to be a creative Science teacher who implement the Safety and Health education because I have aware a lot of things happens in school while I was teaching as Science teacher  in Shah Alam.

Safety is everybody's business. Safety is not like the gate guard that you used to call as "Pak Guard, Mak Guard". That's security. Many people cannot differentiate between Safety and Security. Maybe, for next notes, I will share about the different. For my current project related to my current working area, I need to prepare documents for assessment of COVID-19; prepare the health declaration form, company notice on COVID-19, disease screening flow and all of this I do get a guider from one of my boss. At least I know that, this is related to Emergency Response Plan (ERP) documentation. Thank you boss for believed in me. (it just, my boss isolate me from doing the screening process (such as temperature taking and close contact to all people) as related to my current condition of immune system.

There, here we go. I think I might further my research in my interest area as I am now having project with one of my boss. For this while, the limitation is based on previous research because not many research do the things I want. (actually, this is one of my rejected proposal in part 5 because that time i have limitation on timeline as it was the school holiday. Thus, I cannot collect the data.). But now, i believe i can give a try.


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