Week 6 : Reflection of Chapter 2

In the research proposal, chapter 2 is focusing on Literature Review writing. 

The literature review provide a valuable mechanism for remaining informed amidst an ever-increasing body of scientific work. It is a search and evaluation of the available literature in your given subject or chosen topic area. It documents the state of the art with respect to the subject or topic you are writing about.

Basically, there are 4 components of a literature review includes: -

•a description of the source;
•a summary of the source’s main points;
•a discussion of gaps in research;
•an evaluation of the source’s contribution to the topic.

picture source: Koons et al (2019)
To systematize this multifaceted process, we present the “why, when, who, what, how, and where” of composing a literature review article. The current work provides structures and guidance for this fundamental effort which can establish the basis for a trainee’s development of original research objectives.

There is actually no actual guideline or specific instruction on how to write literature review. It is based on our creativity and knowledge regarding the understanding on the research that we want to come out. 

For example:
2.1 Introduction
2.2 General Issue
2.3 Theoretical background
2.4 Past study related to RQ1
2.5 Past study issue related to RQ2
2.6 Past study issue related to RQ3
2.7 Conceptual framework based on our variable and research design
2.8 Conclusion

Thus, in my research proposal, based on the draft of planning referring to the chapter 1, i have come out with several subtopic related. It include the general issue of OSH, the theory in that related to OSH and the leadership. For the next subtopic, it need the analysis on the finding based on previous papers that related to all my research questions. By reading the previous papers, it also can give me the idea and organize my mind to come out with the methodology that i want to use so that i can create the conceptual framework based on my study. 

References: - 


Koons, G. L., Schenke-Layland, K., & Mikos, A. G. (2019). Why, when, who, what, how, and where for trainees writing literature review articles. Annals of biomedical engineering, 47(11), 2334-2340.


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