So long

It has been so long I did not update my blog. Dealing with life as student keep me fill my day. But it is not the reason because I still open my social networking such as facebook and twitter. So, what I need it to say, 'there is no excuse to not to write'. Yeah, it's called chosen, whether you want to write and do not want. Today, it was last class for ED550 with Dr Krish. For two semester, we get the same lecturer teaching for ELC subject. She knows us, and we know her too. So, it is easy for us to be discipline in ourselves to finish her given task. Well, from her class, I got something fantastic to be share especially on how to write and analyze the article. Of course, reading is something precious, but to improve the skill, we need to analyze on what we read.

I am one of the weak student in English subject, but it is not the excuse for me to learn more from Dr Krish. You know, keep writing gives you many ideas. Whether you want to manipulate or just write your ideas. It such an exercise for our mind to keep thinking critically.

How am I give expression to her class. I know I am little bit fear with English class because I afraid that I cannot manage and knowing about what am I learning for. But, in first impression, I keep positive in my mind that the class is my process for me to learn more and more and get enhanced especially in reading and writing as I love to read a lot! My problem is I rarely read English book except for Science book as I am learn Science in English. I ever read several English book and now I can keep going to understand more about English. For this semester, one of English book that I successfully and love to read is Rich Malaysian, Poor Malaysia written by Anas Alam Faizli. Oh my! That book contain a lot of expert and higher lever of English vocabulary. And I read that book with my dictionary. I cannot read the book while lying down on the bed. Keep reading that book by sitting properly, calm and dictionary must be near. Every pages has my 'scratch' with the meaning of Malay word and easy vocabulary English. That is one of the process.

In the ELC class, the first class I have enter, Dr Krish want me to teach my friend on how to make blog and update our blog currently. So, here we go! The first class, I need to teach in her class and speak in English. I know, there's lot of broken English. As I said just now, that is one of learning process. We engaging with the subject we focus, then we explore to make it as experiment, and we explain with sharing with other. That is how we apply on what we read. Updating blog is one of the taught that make you mind 'walk' with so much neuron. Let's generate them all!

As we live in this world, we never stop from learning process. This is how we color our life.


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