Stolen Idea

(source of picture from

From what i have read in the article of plagiarism by Sean Price in September 19, 2005, the main idea of the whole article is about understanding the plagiarism and avoid it. Here a simple refection on what have I read and how I feel when the idea was stolen.

I think all student know what is plagiarism. And there are types of plagiarism that we ever do it. Since we're at school. But in school, I admit that i never know what is meaning of plagiarism and we always do the discussion laboratory report by referring the text book (only) without giving credit to the author. It was when I was in school. (Old story). But become a student in university starting from diploma (and now I am taking my bachelor), I learn something strict to be followed, the sources of what I have refer and manage to analyse on what have I read in order to understand plagiarism and to make myself as individual who responsible to create own research.

The type of plagiarism is not only when you cut and paste the article's sub paragraph and not credit to it, the type also consist of paraphrase, half-credit, unconscious and mosaic. When I read this type of the plagiarism, it seem to be hard for us to create our own word as we always paraphrase. What can I understand, we read the articles, analyse them and relate to what have we done. It is not simple but it quite interesting if you enjoy having your own mini research  or report. The article or any reference such as books, journals, or else become our guidance and as the student of university, it should be quite mature for us to learn and apply how the writing should be write and how you used the idea of others to put in your report; of course you should do the citation.

I know how it feel doing the report, mini research as I am the one of the student in university that need to write it down all the semester. But one day, believe me, you know how to differentiate your writing with the owner as you have aims to learn more and write it down. At least, we try our best!

I do have experience when my idea was stolen by someone. I was very frustrated. But as long my lecturer give permission having the same idea, I was aim myself to do my best doing the mini research without showing to anyone. It is not about you have withhold knowledge (kedekut ilmu), it is just you need a time to do some research and doing report. After the report was published, you can show to your friend as long your lecture knows your idea and what have you found. Moreover, I was not a writer or nobel research. But maybe, one day, who knows. This is the process we learn from what we have produce. We learn from experience. It is a challenge for us. I don't have fear if my idea was stolen because our own idea have it's own advantage and disadvantage; it is how you manage your ideas. And from here, we know how strong our potential on the idea to be proceed.

Nowadays, all what we want to find about information, is only at our fingertips. Of course, you need internet. And the internet encourage to ease our work. Do you agree that internet become the factor of encouraging the plagiarism? I leave the question for you and for myself because the answer is depends on ourselves.

Finally, for this entry writing, I leave you with the quotation from Nikola Tesla;

'I don't care that they stole my idea, I care that they don't have any of their own'


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