
Showing posts from 2014

So long

It has been so long I did not update my blog. Dealing with life as student keep me fill my day. But it is not the reason because I still open my social networking such as facebook and twitter. So, what I need it to say, 'there is no excuse to not to write'. Yeah, it's called chosen, whether you want to write and do not want. Today, it was last class for ED550 with Dr Krish. For two semester, we get the same lecturer teaching for ELC subject. She knows us, and we know her too. So, it is easy for us to be discipline in ourselves to finish her given task. Well, from her class, I got something fantastic to be share especially on how to write and analyze the article. Of course, reading is something precious, but to improve the skill, we need to analyze on what we read. I am one of the weak student in English subject, but it is not the excuse for me to learn more from Dr Krish. You know, keep writing gives you many ideas. Whether you want to manipulate or just write your id


Summarizing is a condensation or a shortened version of a text. Summarizing helps to capture the idea (key) of another author for fewer words than the original.  There are two type of summary. 1. One-sentence summary Often used in academic writing as a way to introduce the reader to a source and its author's central idea or thesis statement. It is where the central idea placed into.  2. Informative summary. Expressed the original author's main ideas, main supporting details, data and arguments. It is incorporated into longer work.  Characteristics of Good Summary 1. Appropriate length 2. Uses paraphrase 3. Include main ideas 4. Proper citation Simply about how to summarize a text 1. Read article carefully 2. Write one very broad thesis statement 3. Identify the main points of the article 4. Write the first draft of the summary 5. Rewrite your summary. 


I'm sure, everybody ever put the quotes in their life whether in diary, the status in social networking, on the wall and etc. Quoting is phrase that you get from someone, usually authors. An academic research paper are stronger through the use of quotations when we need to cite a key sentence which become source of material to  strengthen argument through another writer's work. When saying of putting the quote in our report, we need to know when to quote and when are not suitable to quote as quoting from someone who have been discover the sentence by their own effort need to be credit or else, we will be accused from plagiarist the phrase. In source citation, we always meet with the author's name, year and also, the page of where the phrase have been take. Some of that, we see the bracket after the citation. If the text was quoted in another sources, we need to put the word, 'cited in'. .......................................................................

Own Word

(source of picture: ) Paraphrasing; what can I define in my perspective is like take and put the sentence from the author into our own words. When we do an academic writing, of course we need to refer the expert report to differentiate and to analyze on what the author get. And some of their content need to be put and place in our academic skill in order to enhance the proving material and the discovery made.  While taken the phrase to be paraphrase, the good paraphrase has to document the authors’ material and using the specific language with knowing the source. It such you need to cite the phrase idea.    Let’s say you want to tell the knowledge from other sources such as book, magazine, newspaper, journal into your own paper, you should know and approach all the sentence by quoting your work from the original idea Once you cited the phrase from the author, it means that you tell the reader that certain of your work co


Every person have their own individual commitment. I just want to pick one, as I am facing the situation as student which involve a wonderful day as student. My student life is not just about doing assignment, go to class, eat at cafe and sleep. I have colored my life involving any program and society as long I know I am capable to do thing that I enjoy it. My life at campus quite a lot work to do other than assignment. I know, the first thing, is about my academic. I try to make it stable as I know I am not a fast learner. But doing on what we like encourage us to face the reality of the challenge. The soft skill also is the knowledge that should do practically. I am the newbies in this area of having such experience to be absorb. At the same time, try my best in my academic. Having in society make me feel like i am here with the family. Here, we learn the meaning of support, love, communication and the bonding between us. There's nothing difference between us to get to know

Grab The Material

 Through the sourcing materials, of course it would help us doing our assignment at the same time enhance the understanding about the topic. Sourcing material help us to get deep into what the case study is all about. It provides us with the information to support our assignment. The source you can find from the internet, books, magazines and others. There are lots of ways for us to find the material as this century; we being provide so many things to be referred especially we have accessible too for information searching that is internet. But all we need to know whether it is reliable or not to be refer. One of the ways we can make sure it reliable is looking at the url. At the end of the url, we can see where it come from such as; is belong to Malaysia Government, .edu for education and others. Doing Evaluating sources, we need knowledge to get it in. We should think while reading the sources. The currency, relevant, authoritative, accurate and purposeful are something w

Having your Sourcing Material

(source of picture : ) Doing assignment is something that all student in university should have done and know what the assignment is all about especially when doing some mini research. Student may know about the issues through what they have read. Whatever is it, READ, READ and READ. Analyse on what you have read to have good discussion about the topics, automatically you will get the point and focusing about the title of the topic that you want to do. Every assignment have its own sourcing material. Sourcing material is like something you need to refer to enhance your understanding and gain your knowledge to analyse the source such as magazine, journal, internet and also books. Nowadays, internet is used frequently as the main sourcing material for student to achieve fast information. Just click the search engine and put the word of source whatever topic you want. But still, the books are the largest source of infor

Stolen Idea

(source of picture from ) From what i have read in the article of plagiarism by Sean Price in September 19, 2005, the main idea of the whole article is about understanding the plagiarism and avoid it. Here a simple refection on what have I read and how I feel when the idea was stolen. I think all student know what is plagiarism. And there are types of plagiarism that we ever do it. Since we're at school. But in school, I admit that i never know what is meaning of plagiarism and we always do the discussion laboratory report by referring the text book (only) without giving credit to the author. It was when I was in school. (Old story). But become a student in university starting from diploma (and now I am taking my bachelor), I learn something strict to be followed, the sources of what I have refer and manage to analyse on what have I read in order to understand plagiarism and to make myself as individual who responsible to

First Step

(picture taken form ) The first step being a symbolic to the journey that have been remain as a treasure to be find. Nothing can be start without the first step which need encouragement to do so. We don't know what the future will serve for us but we; the one who should find the future. Every step is the experience whether it is good or bad, just take every step as the most precious experience in time. Compete does not seem to bring harmony as long there contain biases but it should be replace by the word 'collaboration'. It is what the heart in every human beat for. Life with hopes, life with aims to be fulfills. While you're here, I know you're really extremely doing well. Just think for a while, what have you done today? It is compulsory to do what you have done? But please never regret the past as the time always running for you to create yourself, your brand. The past should be motiv