
Showing posts from May, 2020

Week 10 : Instrument

source of picture: The instrument is a tools that used for measuring, obtaining and analyse the data fro, the subject around the used tool related the topic of the study. We  have to decide on what instrument we want to use based on the research that we are going to study include quantitative, qualitative and the mixed-method. For instance, for quantitative, we may need to decide to use the questionnaire while the qualitative we might choose to use the interview.  As my study is related to knowledge and attitude related to occupational safety and health, I am decided to adopt the questionnaire from previous study. Thus, i have tried to contact several of the researchers that related to the topic to ask for their permission in adopting their questionnaire.  I also got the replied from a researcher and was given a permission to use the questionnaire. After did a speed reviewed, i can see that all sections include...

Week 8: Population and Sampling.

In the first case, when saying about the population, we would have to ask the estimation of overall population in large space area. For example, the number of teacher in Selangor. is about 31.7 million people in 2016.  It is obvious that making an interview or distribute questionnaire to more than 30 million people and will required a very huge effort in many field. To make it, there will be long period of time, huge spent of money as it is necessary to employ many people to do interview, and distribute questionnaire. There're a lot of factors need to consider when applying the population and sampling method. Therefore, somehow we ”destroy” this element of the population. If we would have to try each and every battery of the population, we would keep none of them. Thus, what we should do in this situation is also to choose an appropriate sample and then we could take the appropriate general conclusions. Due to the reasons we have just mentioned, it is convenient in many in...